Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Common Knowledge

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In that econ 101 talks about preferences, literally any action or opinion can be explained as being Econ 101. That's just Econ 101.

Today's News:

I'm going to start posting little updates here, mostly because I miss the old Internet days when people read blogs.

I had a lovely letter from a man who worried I was depressed based on recent comics and the increasing frequency of errors made on the votey panels. Regarding the former, all I can say is that I don't find my comics to have been particularly depressing lately! And, as to the panels, all I can say is that when you see several new projects launched in quick cadence during the next 18 months, you will see why my brain was so frazzled back in Summer 2022.

Unrelated: I was just enjoying the remarkably sedate and charming autobiography of Christopher Milne. He gives a very detailed very honest account of what it's like to run a bookshop. During one very interesting passage he described, and I'll get this almost verbatim, how he felt that popular books should be made to supplement good books. That is, he considered that these were generally separate categories, and that shops and publishers, being aware of this, should try to make the world better but not just always going for profits. I wonder which one I am? Perhaps I'm the medium supporting the medium?

from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
