Review: Venturing Through Peter Parker’s Dreamscape In ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ #53.LR

The Sin-Eater makes a move to get back into Kindred’s good graces as Doctor Strange and the Spider family walk through Peter Parker’s dreamscape. These two plot threads are on a collision course, but one is far more complicated than the other. That’s saying something considering all the weird monsters lurking in the web-head’s mind.

As if there wasn’t enough going on in “Last Remains” already, Morlun and the serum that turned everyone into big arachnids in “Spider Island” make an appearance for more cannon fodder. I am so confused by this as they seem shoehorned into this story. Couldn’t Sin-Eater have just gone after the other Spiders directly? Instead we get this convoluted route to try to take on the power of Morlun, who hasn’t been seen since Spider-Geddon wrapped up. It’s just odd.

Amazing Spider-Man #53.LR is split in half with the first part dealing with Sin-Eater and Morlun and the other in the dreamscape. The former falls a bit flat as these are tertiary characters at this point and neither has much in the way of development. I have such a hard time caring about either one of them.

Federico Vicentini’s artwork is the saving grace in these pages. There’s a sharp, angular style at work here that really shines in the battle between Morlun and Sin-Eater. It makes both villains look fierce and intimidating.

The latter half is much better. Peter Parker’s presence is felt even though he’s not physically there. It’s interesting to see how each character sees him. There’s a great conversation between Madame Web and Ghost-Spider that delves into Peter’s personality and how he interacts with Gwen. Peter has carried such guilt and responsibility for ages, particularly with the death of his Gwen Stacy so that explains how he reacted a few issues back when Norman Osborn was creeping on this one from an alternate earth.

Writers Nick Spencer & Matthew Rosenberg create some fun moments in the dialogue too, especially with Strange. You can see that the Sorcerer Supreme is so annoyed with this entire situation. He’s the magic guy and you’d think that people would listen to him when it came to magic, but noooooo. Now he’s got to clean up their mess. He has this arrogant, fed up attitude that is hilarious in these sequences.

Takeshi Miyazawa handles the artwork in the dreamscape, with a more traditional approach to the characters. Joined by Scott Hanna on inks, the art really heats up when Peter’s fears manifest in large monsters resembling past villains like the Kingpin. These are deformed versions, covered in spikes. These are just the start of these monstrous creatures as they get more personal the farther the characters go. Letterer Ariana Maher adds a nice touch to these entities with equally monstrous fonts.

There’s an overall foreboding tone through Amazing Spider-Man #53.LR. Colorists Marcio Menyz and Erick Arciniega create a dreary mood for both halves of the book. It’s clear we’re dealing with some dark stuff all around.

Although there are some detours along the way, it looks like things are starting to come together in this side story for “Last Remains.” All the players are assembled and they’re converging. What this means for the larger story and Peter Parker remains to be seen. This chapter was saved by some great artwork and quippy dialogue, but the plot still leaves something to be desired.

Amazing Spider-Man #53.LR from Marvel Comics is currently available at your local comic shop and digitally through ComiXology and Amazon Kindle.

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