Review: ‘Major Holmes And Captain Watson’ # 1 And #2

The quality of the covers to issues one and two is vastly different. Issue one’s cover by artist Michael Dorman features rather weak looking line work. While the colors by colorist Anthony Lee are too bright, and are arguably weaker than the art. Issue two’s cover is apparently due to the artistic talents of artist Ismael Canales, and the colors are possibly by colorist Roger Surroca. Whatever the case the cover of issue two is a much more competent cover. However, the slanting buildings and the use of a purplish looking color for shadows, are slightly annoying. This is mainly due to how there seems to be no reason for these two particular elements to exist.

The interior quality of both issues is mostly great. This is partly due to the designs of the characters that artist Carlos Cabaliero provides for Canales to use. While Ismael Canales provides a realistic and consistent look to the interiors of both issues. Roger Surroca provides a palette that is realistic, but with a hinting of cartoonish humor to it. Unfortunately, the lettering by letterer Justin Birch is hurt in issue two by a few obvious typos. Otherwise the font is a strong choice and a very good size for most readers. As for the script by writer, Jeff Rider it has a great mixture of plot and characterization, especially when it come to twists and originality.

The creative team is currently crowdfunding these two issues in print form on Kickstarter. It is currently over the one hundred percent goal of funding, thus stretch goals are unlocking. This is the creative team’s fourth Kickstarter campaign so they should be able to successfully complete delivering the rewards. Lastly, despite the creative problems both issues are about the same in overall quality and that quality is high.

Major Holmes & Captain Watson (2020) #2 cover art by Ismael Canales, colors by Roger Surroca.

from Comics – COMICON
