The Vultures Are Circling: Preview Martian Manhunter #11 By Orlando, Rossmo And DC Comics

It’s a return to normal services on January 1st and new comic book day. There’s plenty out this week, including Martian Manhunter #11, the penultimate issue in this 12 issue maxi-series. Written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Riley Rossmo, with a Joshua Middleton variant cover, J’onn J’onzz one again puts on his hot pants and tries to save the day, and save Midleton from Charnn and the Vulture Gang. Preview below:

J’onn J’onzz and Diane Meade must save the town of Midleton from the combined forces of Charnn and the Vulture Gang. Their newfound partnership will be put to the test – as will J’onn’s faith in himself! If Charnn wants to punish J’onn for the crimes of Mars, J’onn will have to stop punishing himself to best Charnn.

from Comics – COMICON
